Grades K-6
MSAD 54 provides a teacher consult model for K-2 students. Upon teacher request, an Enrichment Resources teacher will meet with them to discuss ideas for appropriate differentiated instruction for students who may be exhibiting characteristics of giftedness.
Identified grade 3 students receive a pull-out model of 80 minutes per week covering all academic areas (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math).
Identified 4-6 students receive 80-160 minutes per week specific to an identification for Language Arts & Social Studies and/or Math & Science. The amount of time a student receives enrichment support depends on the content area(s) for which he/she is determined as eligible for services.
All students are placed conditionally, with the understanding that a student may be removed if the programming does not meet the need.
Grades 7-8
Students in seventh and eighth grade attend Language Arts classes scheduled concurrent with the team class schedule. The program is a fast-paced accelerated curriculum that addresses all the Language Arts standards of the Common Core for each grade level.
Seventh graders receive ungraded math classes for 80 minutes a week to develop essential skills for algebra, as well as activities and problem solving based on National Council of Teachers of Mathematics resources.
The high school Honors algebra class provides acceleration in math for students prepared for the challenge. The course meets all the guidelines and standards in the high school curriculum, including the standards assessments, algebra NWEA test, and the final exam.
Grades 9-12
Students are recommended by their teachers for placement in Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses throughout their high school years. Students and parents may also student elect placement in Honors/AP courses. Dual enrollment opportunities (for a student to receive both high school and college credits) exist for several courses offered “in-house.” With administrative approval, students may enroll in outside courses via colleges or online platforms. Ms. Smith is available to consult with high school staff needing support regarding gifted students. ER students needing individual support and/or advocacy may meet with Ms. Smith.