COVID Federal Funds

Information on MSAD 54's use of COVID federal relief funds and links to information can be found below.  The MSAD 54 Board of Directors has worked to provide transparency throughout the process, including having a standing item on the Board's agenda that deals with COVID-19 which includes regular ongoing updates regarding the use of federal funds since the beginning of the pandemic. In addition to regularly scheduled board meetings, anyone interested in learning more about MSAD54's use of federal funds, pandemic response, or any school-specific information is welcome to reach out or participate in our ongoing parent advisory meetings.

MSAD 54's Federal Funds Summary:  ARP Notice, July 2021:

MSAD 54’s Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services:

A general timeline of Federal Funds can be found below:

MSAD54's return to school plan included feedback from all stakeholders on the use of federal funds, including a focus on feedback from instructional staff on what students needed. The updated return to school plan for the 2021-22 school year can be found at: Federal funding/federal programs are a standing agenda item for the MSAD54 Board of Directors, which reviews the plan for a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services at least every six months.