Public Information and Announcements

New Elementary School Playground

Below are draft plans for the upper elementary playground at the new elementary school. These plans will be refined over the next few weeks including at meetings with all elementary staff (11/22), the Parent Advisory group (11/29), and the Building Committee (12/7). Anyone interested in attending meetings or giving feedback should reach out.

View plans »

Lock-in/Lock-out Tuesday, November 15

UPDATE: As of 12:00 p.m., the Maine Analysis and Information Center briefed schools that the threats from earlier today were "a Hoax".  For more info visit: All MSAD 54 Schools transitioned out of "Lock-in/Lock-Out" status early this afternoon and will have a regular dismissal.

Original: Please take a moment to review MSAD 54's decision to proactively move to Lock-in/Lock-out today.  We anticipate a standard dismissal process at this time.

FREE COVID-19 Immunization Clinic

RSU 54/MSAD 54 has teamed up with MaineGeneral Medical Center to offer OPTIONAL FREE COVID-19 Immunization Clinics for our students, ages 5 and up, on November 29th. Immunization allows you to protect your child from the COVID-19 virus. It is a family decision to vaccinate against COVID-19. We are helping ensure families have the opportunity to get their children vaccinated by offering these school-based clinics, but will absolutely not pressure any child or family into getting the vaccine. The following will be offered: Pfizer 1st, 2nd, and booster for all students ages 5 and up.

Vaccine FAQs | Permission Form

Public Notice: School Lead Water Sample Results

Information concerning the lead level results for drinking water samples taken at Marti Stevens Learning Center

Maine law requires schools to test all drinking water faucets that could be used for drinking or cooking purposes for the presence of lead. This law further requires that parents and staff are made aware of all of the sample results.

Fentanyl Information

I am writing to you to share important information regarding fake pills and fentanyl that are being found in communities across our state. Although we've not seen increased incidents of drugs in our schools, this information drove home the reality for me that it's essential that we work to raise awareness to help protect our kids. Our MSAD 54 community vision strives for the following: that "Every individual comes to school feeling safe, welcome and respected for who they are." Not only do these types of substances have a tremendous negative impact on individuals and our community, they are potentially life-threatening. I thank you for taking the time to review the information below and in joining me in raising awareness throughout our communities.

School Lunch Update & Changes at MSES and SAHS

Welcome back to school this year!

For years MSAD 54 has participated in a free lunch program through the federal government. The district uses state programs numbers and other data to ensure all students get free lunch. This summer we found out that two schools in the district no longer qualify for free lunch in the Community Eligibility (CEP) program we’ve been in for years. 

There is good news… 1) most schools are still in the program as usual, and free. 2) The two schools that aren’t, can have free lunch for the year provided we collect additional information from our families.

The not as good news… Families of students at Mill Stream Elementary and Skowhegan Area High School will need to complete the following form (also accessible in paper form in the packets kids receive on the first day of school). Families can do this one form for each of their children regardless what school they attend, but they must complete this form for kids attending Mill Stream or the High School. Students attending other schools can continue to fill out the traditional district free and reduced form (which requires less information but is equally necessary for state and federal funding).

For additional information from the Nutrition Director, Jana Wacome, please read this letter: 

Again, all students will continue to eat FREE regardless of their income status for right now. So long as the district is able to collect this information, it’s likely that this program, which is a benefit to our students, families, and taxpayers, can continue for students in the future.  

Thank you,
MSAD 54 Food Services

Title I Program Review

Every year, MSAD 54 invites the public to review the Title I program. This year we are inviting the public to review and comment on MSAD 54’s ESEA application for the school year 2022–2023 at Millstream School from 12 pm–1 pm on Thursday, July 28th. MSAD 54 accepts funding through the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) of 1965. As part of ESEA, MSAD 54 is required to provide opportunities for public comment on the ESEA application prior to submission. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Deidre Mitchell, Title I Director, at (207) 474-9508 or